Can fan excesses sink John Hall's drive to fit in?
John Hall's amazing self transformation, from a gig-playing musician, to a responsible spokesperson for a diverse constituency, might easily be sabotaged by fringe supporters on the left, lost souls willing to graffitti walls, launch attack blogs , and all too eager to embarrass Hall into being their "wholly-owned" congressperson. Although most purple-haze antinukes are counting their blessings, showing due respect, and keeping mum, in one embarrassing episode, Hall's former campaign headquarters coffee-gofer and sometimes limo driver Sherwood Martinelli, 51, has begun an amazing set of 18+ attack-blogs, bent on capturing freshman Hall back into the arms of the most rabid radical hate camp.
In a blog deceptively tricked out to appear to be an official John Hall campaign site, unemployed contractor Martinelli, adopts the trio of aliases "Royce Penstinger", "Pinto Bean" , & "Porgie Tirebiter". Under these aliases, Martinelli cyber-bullies Hall, Hall's new chief of staff, new house speaker Pelosi, fellow green movement member Summer Rayne Oakes, and anybody else he suspects of "selling out".
He calls his central attack-blog "John Hall Congressional Blog". This deceptive phishing-- (adoption of a website name, and look, designed to mimic a website actually held by others) has been outlawed, but Martinelli seems unaware of both his own culpability, and the potential harm he brings to Hall's standing (and Oakes' career).
Were Hall to be identified in Washington as inciting misbehavior, or as being captured by irresponsible radical cliques, his effectiveness as a lawmaker could be greatly diminished, pushed back into the very fringe from which Hall has worked so long and hard to emerge.
Idle contractor Martinelli, with free time provided by his wife Pina's job in Bronx Community College, and a history of radicalism going back 20 years in a vagabond life spread between failed marriages, and a dozen transient residences throughout Ohio, West Virginia, upstate New York, and currently Peekskill, is now issuing stern commands and ultimatums to Hall, using a pseudonym, demanding Red-Guard purity from both Hall, and Oakes, (a respected model, & self-made green movement spokesperson,) spending days stalking his victims' minutiae on the web, and, finding any which he interprets as not radical enough, attacking them in accusatory "expose's" of supposed "dirt". -----"Dirt" that turns out to be Hall just being a normal congressperson-elect, and Oakes' just being not a bomb-throwing PETA red guard.
Sherwood Martinelli's "Phish" mentality is total.
He aims to deceive everyone. To make his attack, he puts on flourescent green sunglasses, and calls himself Royce Penstinger. And --pathetically-- Martinelli fantasizes that somehow, he is not so terribly alone in this. In his John Hall blog, he quotes things he just wrote in his "world hot docs" blog, as if an unseen groundswell of consensus was leading others to agree with him. His non-existent characters quote each other in mock admiration! They swell in chorus, demanding this or that action from Hall! They alert each other of great posts, on each others's blogs! .....(about 18 blogs at last count)
But it just ain't so. It's all Sherwood H. Martinelli.
In blogs "Washington Scandal", "Nuclear Butterfly" , "John Hall Congressional Blog", "NYDreamDragon", "Westchester Rent-a-Husband", "Porgies news & views", " Porgies Bullsheet", "world hot docs", "finkon energy", and others, he happily quotes from his imaginary friends, (actually himself), and accuses Hall, Entergy, Oakes, and others of imaginary crimes, in diatribes amazing for their deluded wrongheadedness, crudeness, and bad grammar,
if nothing else.
Seeking to flim-flam Hall's staff into seeing a phantom far-left cadre of at least 18 (the number of falsely authored attack blogs) the ex volunteer now seeks to diktate policy from Dykman street, as he has done previously, when he created a bogus version of "The Hill" (congressional) blog, during the 2006 campaign. What might be excusable as campaign hijinks, must take on a more sinister color, when continued indefinitely, authored deceptively, or in a premeditated and covert spirit of cyber-intimidation. Is this not the very deception decried as Bushism by our newly elected Democrats? Ethical readers are urged to make their own judgement.
If I would speak to anyone in this affair, I would speak to Martinelli's unsuspecting wife Pina, trekking hard miles down to Bronx Community College every day, whilst her house-husband (he took her surname) sits on her couch at Dykman street, and cyber-extorts entire classes of people, people he recently courted as friends. No humor here, no listening, no love, no truth, just purest bile and raw aggression, blind eyes, deaf ears, deception and hate.
I ask Pina here and now....Is this your Lost Dream Dragon?
Or is Royce Nukehater a new, much more scary individual?
What some might see here,
is an isolated, devious, demented obsessive, acting out.
Or a lost soul, grieving for a broken life.
What the Martinelli clan might see here, one cannot say.
Embarrassment, certainly. Shame-possibly.
A man once well-loved, incredibly shattering himself
into 18 pieces to scream cyber-hate at the world!
Some have even been reminded of various schemes--
one by Yoko Ono's limo driver----and another by Mexican crossover singer Serena's disgruntled fan club secretary--- both leading to a bad end---and have suggested that perhaps its time Congressman-elect Hall's staff craft a position on attack blogs, the vagabond left, Sherwood H. Martinelli,.... and Mr. Hall's safety.